Please click on the picture to see bigger versions of them.
Straßentheaterfestival Ludwigshafen 2012, photos: Jutta Sichau (left) / Hans Kirsch (right)
Haus der Architekten Stuttgart 2011, photo:

Venezianische Messe Ludwigsburg 2010, photos: Irene Fechau

Pflasterspektakel Linz 2009, photos: Alexandr Pospech (left), Stadt Linz (right)

Zürich 2008, photo: Helmut Pogerth (left) / die-wo-spielen Festival Stuttgart 2008, photo: ensemble (right)

Schwäbisch-Gmünd 2008, photos: ensemble
Landesgartenschau Bad Rappenau 2008, photo: (left) / IMAGINALE Mannheim 2008, photo: IMAGINALE Festival (right)
IMAGINALE Mannheim 2008, photo: IMAGINALE Festival (left) / Erlangen 2007, photo: (right)
Charleville-Mézières 2007, photos: ensemble

Staatsgalerie Stuttgart 2006, photo: ensemble (left) / Premiere Stuttgart 2006, photo: (right)