Badische Zeitung, 09.09.2013, Annette Mahro:
"[...] How cheerful and calmly appeared the street theater "Colori" at the beginning! The figures felt for the theater square along with the fountain of Tinguely, the sculpture of Serra and the audience in a combination of triadic ballet and fantasy by means of strange sounds, movements and by their supple feelers. Puppet, mask, man as well as colour and form were still blurred to a complex unit. [...]"
Morgenweb, Rhein-Neckar newsportal, 29.07.2012
Mannheimer Morgen, 28.07.2012, Martin Geiger: - Still to be translated -
"[...] Where next?, asked the vistiors of the festival after the act. But there was no simple answer, because the whole city was a stage. At the other end of the Bismark road, the street theater "Colori" was playing one´s dreadful trade: the strange and gaudy figures moved along the shopping district like a parade of aliens [...]"
"[...] Auch Oliver Thiel ist schon erfreut, selbst wenn der Soziologie- und Philosophiestudent noch betont, dass seine
Freundin Johanna Winkens ihn "mitgeschleppt" hat. Aber die bunten Figuren des Straßentheaters Colori,
die durch die Bismarckstraße ziehen, überzeugen ihn: "Die abstrakte Darstellung ist interessant und sehr
witzig." [...]"
Die Rheinpfalz, 28.07.2012:
"[...] yesterday at the street theater festival in Ludwighafen's city centre: [...], the street theatre "Colori", [...]"
Die Rheinpfalz, 27.07.2012:
"[...] the street theatre "Colori" (photo) behaved poetically [...]"
Kronen Zeitung, 25.07.2009:
Leipziger Volkszeitung, 22.12.2008, Torben Ibs: - Still to be translated -
"[...] Colori brachte ein wenig Straßentheater ins Foyer. Im Mittelpunkt eine drei Meter hohe, weiße Frau, die von ihrem
geometrisch angehauchten Hofstaat begleitet wird: das schwarze Quadrat, der rote Kreis, die blaue Kugel, sowie ein grüner Hofmarschall
mit meterlangen Armen. Die klassischen Formen haben einige Mühe, zum nicht sonderlich geometrisch im Raum verteilten Publikum zu gelangen,
und so wälzen und rollen sich die Wesen herum, leben ihre kleinen Eifersüchteleien untereinander aus und bieten in ihrer
Andersartigkeit und gigantesken Dimensionen einen herrlichen Anblick. [...]"
KISS Stuttgart, Juli 2007, Sabine Gärttling:
"[...] Many Cameras were pulled out as the street theater "Colori" was appearing between the stalls with its colored and noticable figures; and in an astonishing and spectacular manner portrayed the difference of the people and their relationshpis to each other. [...]"
Stuttgarter Nachrichten, 14.04.2007, Horst Lohr:
"[...] In the project of the street theater "Colori" under the direction of Werne Knoedgen, the fantastic figuers are floating,
scurrying, scampering and skipping in a muddeld up manner. Like a magnificiant and colorful palette of human characteristics, they act wether
tenderly and guardedly like the filigree snow-white beauty with her gigantic ear-trompet; or they fight for a place in the spotlight, like
the green, plastic tube-like creature with its greedy and octopus-like arms. [...]"